Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Girl's On-Course Survival Guide to Golf

I finally got the much talked about book by Christina Ricci, A Girl's On-Course Survival Guide to Golf. The author is an amateur golfer who impressively went down from a 30 to a 5 handicap in only 5 years of playing golf.

It took me a while to actually purchase this book because of past experiences with "highly recommended" golf books. Unlike other golf books that I TRIED to read (I usually just end up leafing through the pages), this book kept me interested. The author made it interesting by using the right words and communicating instructions in a way that is so easy to comprehend, by not overusing technical terms a golf newbie like me would typically not understand. Reading this book made me feel like the author was actually talking to me like a girl friend would. It pointed out a lot of things that I am doing wrong and it actually inspired me to get my buns off my couch, practice my swing with a club in hand in front of the mirror, while minding the newly learned pointers. (Golf Geek Alert!)

As usual, I am still struggling with executing what I have learned. My mind knows what It wants my body to do yet my body is not cooperating... I think this is an indication that I have formed bad habits. My mission is to break these little bad habits and be a better golfer even if it means shaving my handicap by a point or two. As I always say, I am happy with baby steps, as long as I am moving forward!

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